
currently: august {and monthly highlights}

This is an August like no other, that’s for sure. School districts in our area decided to push back the start of school until after Labor Day (usually we start mid-August), so Jona has one more month to go until he starts second grade.

Other than speculating about what the heck is actually going to happen once school starts again, I wanted to share a few other things that have been on my mind lately. As always I’m joining Anne for her monthly Currently linkup, and also sharing some other highlights from the month.

{choosing} fearlessness. Okay, not all the time, and certainly not about everything. Yet I tend to play it too safe, and not put myself out there as much as I’d like to, both at work and in my personal life. For example, I am working on growing this blog, and I don’t want to let fear stop me from doing that.

{consuming} summer brews. I have been on a beer kick this summer, and it’s been fun picking out random ones to try for mixed 6-packs.

{enjoying} all the books! I’ve been reading a lot this summer, as usual, but I’ve also really enjoyed reading some chapter books with Jona and slowly making our way through books about different countries for the Global Children’s Book Club with both kids. I’m even reading with Aaron! He wanted to read White Fragility so we’re reading that together–something that never happens around here.

{ordering} shoes and school supplies. While Jona doesn’t start for a month, Violet moves up to the next class at her daycare in a few weeks, which means she needs some school supplies (including masks–which are required in the Pre-K class). And I just couldn’t resist a recent DSW sale–I picked up these snakeskin mules and these pink flats.

{remembering} when time to myself was a thing. I’m working from home right now, and Aaron and Jona are both home on summer break (well, Aaron does work a few days a week these days). Since we’re all home, time to myself is limited to the wee hours of the morning when no one else is up–and I’m thankful for that time for sure–but this introvert needs MORE!

{listening} to the Lazy Genius’s wisdom about going back to school. As always, I love her practical advice, and it was especially helpful to hear when everything feels so uncertain. If you’re also feeling overwhelmed and anxious about the upcoming school year, I recommend this episode.

{reading aloud} High Five. The kids, especially Violet, have been loving this interactive book about a high five competition. It’s adorable.

{eating} breakfast cookies. I made these healthy-ish cookies for breakfast last week and Jona and I both enjoyed them.

{obsessing over} Hamilton. I know, me and everyone else right? But I can’t help it. I first watched it when it came out on Disney+ (I never had the opportunity to see it live), I’ve watched it multiple times since, and we listen to the music all the time. I didn’t expect the kids to really pay attention when I watched it with Aaron, but Jona–for better or for worse, I know there are some inappropriate parts and colorful language–is as obsessed as I am. He listens to the music all the time.

{wishlisting} a few items from the Nordstrom sale. I have my eye on some cute ankle boots and a faux leather jacket, although I’m not sure how practical that will be this year. I could always go with a comfy knit option instead.

I’d love to hear what’s on your mind this month!

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