
Currently: April 2021

Happy April! Did you play any April Fool’s Day jokes on anyone? I am the least fun mom ever—I completely forgot about it. My kids are at the perfect gullible ages too. Oh well.

As always, here is my monthly list of things I’m currently up to for Anne’s linkup.

Currently and Monthly Favorites | shealennon.com
Photo by Elena Ferrer on Unsplash

Arranging: Jona’s room. We haven’t done much to decorate his room since we’ve lived in our current house (which we’ve lived in for 5 years), so over the weekend we looked at some ideas I’d saved on Pinterest and even bought a giant map to hang on his wall. It’s a good start, and I think he’s pretty excited about it.

Craving: spring and summer fruit. Getting everyone to eat their veggies can be a struggle around here, but thankfully everyone likes fruit. But the selection is so sad in the winter; I’m pretty tired of grapes right now. I can’t wait for strawberries, cherries, and peaches, and to be done with grape-negotiations with Jona (not a big grape-lover).

At the farmer’s market last summer. I look forward to going again soon!

Discussing: “normal” life plans. We planned a long weekend trip with friends at the end of summer, and a few girlfriends and I are hoping to schedule a girls’ weekend getaway this summer as well. While I know that precautions will still need to be made, it’s nice to think about travel as a possibility these days!

Looking forward to a view like this again soon!

Enjoying: my reading life. My work life has been extremely stressful this past month, and because I’m still working at home it can be challenging to let go of that stress at the end of the day. Before, I had at least a short commute to help me decompress. Reading is such a life-saver for me, it helps me to finally relax at the end of the day and feels like such a treat. Ice cream helps as well.

Preparing: for baseball season, once again. We skipped sports last year, but Jona really wanted to sign up for baseball this spring, so he is back at it. Between Violet’s ballet class and his baseball games, our weekends just got a lot busier. I can’t complain though, I’m happy that they have activities they love.

March Favorites

Book: When Stars are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed. I adored this graphic novel about a boy who grows up in a refugee camp in Kenya.

Children’s book: Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different by Ben Brooks. Jona loved the stories about real people, and I loved the inclusive stories that go against the toxic masculinity message that boys too often receive through the media.

Recipe: Pork and Peanut Dragon Noodles. This isn’t a new one, we’ve loved it for a while now, but I made it again last week and was reminded of how good it is. But heads up, these noodles are SPICY!

Purchase: my MacBook Pro! Like I mentioned in my wins and goals post last week, my old MacBook Air was about to kick the bucket, and I can’t tell you what a relief it is to not have Google Chrome randomly shut down, or to be able to have the space to actually update my iOS.

What are some of your favorite things right now?

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