
Picture Books about Smart, Strong Women

March is Women’s History Month, and while we like to read books about and by women all year long, I wanted to round up a list of a few of our favorite picture books about smart, strong women.

Picture books about smart, strong women | shealennon.com

Books We’ve Read

The Oldest Student by Rita Lorraine Hubbard. This is the story of Mary Walker, born into slavery, freed at age 15, whose life was spent working hard and raising a family. She always wanted to learn to read, but it wasn’t until she turned 116 that she was finally able to. This was an inspiring story, and one that sparked a great conversation with Jona and Violet about how lucky they are to get to go to school and learn.

Counting on Katherine by Helaine Baker. Katherine Johnson always loved math, and her mathematical gifts took her all the way to NASA. However, being both Black and a woman, she had to overcome many barriers to get there. Thanks to her persistence and her intelligence, the Apollo 13 crew were able to return safely after trip to the moon. Both of my kids loved this one.

Shark Lady by Jess Keating. This is the story of Eugenie Clark, a scientist who devoted her life to the study of sharks. The illustrations are gorgeous, and the details about Clark’s life were fascinating–we all enjoyed this one.

Before She Was Harriet by Lesa Cline-Ransome. This tells the story of Harriet Tubman and her life, and the many names she was known by, including Araminta, Moses, and even General Tubman. While Jona learned a little about Harriet Tubman in school, it was interesting to go a little deeper into her story.

I Dissent by Debbie Levy. This is the story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s life, and how disagreeing with the injustices around her led her to become a successful, beloved, and now very missed, Supreme Court justice.

Books We Want to Read

Are there any books about strong, smart women that you and your family love?

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