
A few things saving my life right now

Reading a post from Modern Mrs. Darcy that somehow made a book about laundry feel like a compelling must-read, I realized I haven’t shared a list of simple pleasures in a while.

Winter is NOT my favorite season, but I’m trying to focus on the cozy parts rather than the cooped-up-inside and freezing parts. Here are a few things that are saving my life–what are some of yours?

A few things saving my life right now | shealennon.com
Photo by pure julia on Unsplash

Meal planning from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe paired with Walmart grocery delivery or pick-up. I’ve been cooking recipes from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe for years, and last month I decided to sign up for her meal planning service through Prepear. So far we love the meals, and one of my favorite parts is that it easily integrates with Walmart for grocery pick-up or delivery. It’s been so nice!

Watching low-commitment TV shows with Aaron. I feel overwhelmed by series with too many seasons, and I fall asleep if I try to watch a movie after the kids go to bed (#oldlady), but I like having a fairly low-stakes, or limited series show to watch with Aaron this week. We loved The Queen’s Gambit, and now we’re watching Ted Lasso, which has been delightful so far.

My warm, cozy robe. I’m not much of a wear-a-robe-around-the-house person, but for some reason I just realized that putting it on over my pajamas after I wash my hair (I’m a night shower-er) keeps my pajamas nice and dry. I got this soft, fluffy one for Christmas and I love it.

Audiobooks. I signed up for Libro.fm at the end of last year and I love it! Paired with audiobooks from my library, I have not yet run out of good books to listen to!

My hair (not) washing routine. I’ve never been one to want to spend a lot of time on my hair. I used to think the best way to achieve this was through short hair, but now I know that the ultimate lazy hair situation for me is with long hair. My hair is very thick, so washing and styling it feels like such a time-consuming chore. Yet I’ve gotten into a great routine that minimizes the effort I put in. I wash it about every four days, let it air dry, and style it (I use a 1.5″ curling iron) the next morning. At night I put it in a loose bun on top of my head (thank you Laura for this tip!) and then proceed to do absolutely nothing to it the next couple of days. The only thing I do on the fourth day is spray some dry shampoo at my roots, and I am good to go. Lazy hair for the win!

What are the simple things that are saving your life right now?

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