
Cozy books to read in winter

I read pretty widely all year, so I don’t relegate certain types of books to certain seasons of the year. Yet when it’s freezing cold outside, there is nothing like curling up with a book that feels cozy.

I think a book can be cozy for many reasons; there isn’t just one genre to choose if you’re in the mood for a story that feels warm and comforting. Here’s a list of several different cozy books to read in the winter. Pick one up when you need a bookish warm-up!

Cozy books to read in winter | shealennon.com

The City Baker’s Guide to Country Living by Louise Miller. After I read it, I described this book as “the equivalent to a cup of hot chocolate and a piece of pie, in book form.” About a pastry chef from Boston who moves to a small town in Vermont and takes a job at a small inn, it has small-town charm, delicious baked goods, and a heart-warming storyline.

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden. I’m not typically drawn to books with fantasy or fairytale elements, and this one has both, but I’m glad I read this. The story is compelling and well told, and its setting of winter in the Russian wilderness, where a family tell stories by the fire, makes it perfect for a cold winter day.

Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield. About a mysterious girl who comes to life after being presumed dead in a small river town, the story focuses on three families, all of whom have a reason to claim her. It felt slightly magical, yet the characters were rooted in reality and beautifully developed. That mix makes it a great pick when you’re in the mood for a cozy read.

Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry. While to me Hannah Coulter feels just as cozy as fairytales and magic, it couldn’t be more different. Hannah, an older woman, reflects on her life, her family, and the farm where they lived. It’s quiet and descriptive, and Berry’s prose is beautiful. To me, this book was the embodiment of a comfort read.

Harry’s Trees by Jon Cohen. When his wife dies unexpectedly, Harry is overcome with grief and guilt. Eventually he seeks solace in the forest, where he meets a family wrapped up in their own struggles. Through story and friendship, Harry begins to heal his own heart as well as a few others. The forest setting and hints of magic were what makes this one a cozy pick for me.

The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking. Perhaps a more obvious pick, The Little Book of Hygge offers practical ways to bring more hygge (“hoo-ga”, it essentially means coziness) into your life wherever you are. I enjoyed Wiking’s “hygge tips” and the cute and colorful illustrations. This one is perfect if you not only want to feel cozy, but bring more coziness into your life and space.

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. After a flu pandemic wipes out nearly every person worldwide, civilization as we know it collapses. This may feel a little too close to home right now, and it may not sound particularly cozy, but somehow Mandel weaves a beautiful, touching story into a bleak backdrop. This one is good for anyone who wants their comfort fluff-free.

The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. To me, a cozy book list isn’t complete without Kate Morton. Similar to other books by Morton I’ve read, this one has a mystery that spans multiple generations. Her writing is lush and descriptive, yet compelling, and the setting feels as alive as a character. This is a good one if you’re in the mood to shut out the busy world for a while.

How the Light Gets In by Louise Penny (or any book in her Inspector Gamache mystery series). While this series isn’t technically a “cozy mystery” series, I always look forward to reading it in the fall and winter, because the setting where many of the main characters live—Three Pines in Quebec—is just the kind of quaint, cozy village that makes me think of fluffy blankets, comfort food, and roaring fires. This book is my favorite (so far) in the series.

I hope you give one of these a try if you’re in the mood for a cozy book to read in winter. What kind of book feels cozy to you?

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