
currently: september

After what has felt like the longest, weirdest summer ever, I’m ready for September. While Jona will only go two days a week in-person, I’m ready for school to start. I’m ready to eat outdoors without getting all sweaty. I’m ready for red wine! (I can’t drink it in the summer; I get too hot.)

Here are a few things I’m currently doing.

Currently September | shealennon.com
Highlight from last month: getting these cute cousins together!

{appreciating} Jona and Violet’s schools. Violet has been back at her daycare since the end of May, and I am so impressed with how they have prioritized the kids’ safety while still trying to keep things as normal as possible. Jona hasn’t gone back to school yet, but they’ve done a great job of communicating with parents every step of the way as the situation has changed (delayed start, from in-person to hybrid classes, etc.).

{anticipating} the start of the school year. More school… I can’t help it, it’s all I think of these days. I don’t know how it will go; I’ll be working full time at home while Jona is doing virtual school three days a week. I just want to get started so I can get some kind of routine figured out!

{collecting} books! Surprisingly, even though I’m a big reader I don’t usually buy a lot of books–instead I’m a devoted library user. However, since I found a lovely local online bookstore and joined their bookclub, I’ve been buying a book every month. Then I also bought The Lazy Genius Way. While I still mostly use the library, I’m going to have to start making more space for books I own!

{starting} to shop for fall. I don’t anticipate going back to the office anytime this fall, but I still can’t help but want to buy a few things for the new season. I picked up a faux leather jacket at the Nordstrom sale, and ordered a few fall things from Target to try on as well.

{finishing} a read-aloud. Jona and I have been reading The Wild Robot, and it’s taken us awhile because we usually read it at night, and I don’t put him to bed every night. But we’ve both loved it so much!

{reading} Limelight by Amy Poeppel. It’s a purely fun, light read and it’s been an enjoyable escape.

{listening} to the Code Switch podcast. I just started listening, but I’ve learned a lot so far.

{loving} all the Lego-building Jona has been doing. In addition to several sets he got for his birthday, he also saved his money (and had birthday money) to buy a big Pirate Ship set, which was the biggest one he’s ever done. Unfortunately it didn’t take him quite as long to build as I’d hoped, but it was fun hanging out with him while he built it!

What have you been up to lately?

Linking with Currently at In Residence.

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