
Currently: January

Whoa, two posts this week! Things are getting pretty crazy over here. Actually it is pretty crazy, as this post goes live I will be starting back at work after being on maternity leave since October. It was wonderful to be able to be home for as long as I was, and while I dread leaving my babies I know it will be good to get back into a routine. Jona will be starting preschool and Violet is going to an in-home daycare, and I know they will both be well taken care of. I will still be home with them two days a week, which I’m so thankful for, although I know it will be quite a challenge to try to get work done those days.

Anyway, I’m linking up with Anne and Jessica to share what I’m currently…

{gathering} little cars from all over our house. Jona is all about his cars right now, and there are very few places in our house right now that he doesn’t turn into a driving surface.

{making} lists in my bullet journal. I love keeping a paper planner, but I’ve been frustrated in recent years with the high prices of a lot of the options out there. This year I decided to try doing a bullet journal and so far I really like how customizable it is. If you’re looking to start one I recommend this guide.

{sipping} to bookend my day. Taking care of two little ones can be exhausting and unpredictable, but I keep my sanity by starting and ending my days with a drink. A big cup of coffee in the morning (just one, unfortunately, more than that and my girl is extra cranky), and a small-ish glass of wine at night.

{following} too many podcasts. I subscribed to a ton of podcasts when I was home with just Violet and nursing or pumping super frequently. However, now that she doesn’t eat quite as often, and when she does I’m rarely alone, I’m playing catch-up all the time.

{resolving} to simplify. In my post on Monday I talked about why I chose “simplify” as one of my words of the year, the other word being “home”.

What are you currently up to? 
