
Currently: October

I can’t believe October is here! This is the month I’ve been waiting for, and while I’m so excited for it, I’m feeling more and more anxious as well. In just 2 short weeks Violet will be getting her womb-eviction notice and we will be meeting her for the first time. So, unsurprisingly, my list of all the things I’m currently up to is pretty baby-heavy.

I’m linking with Anne and Jacqui to share what I’m currently…

Currently - October 2016 {cheers-ing, organizing, dreaming, buying, and listening}

{cheers-ing} sparkling juice (I love Izze!), water, and soda for 2 more weeks. Maybe it’s because I have a toddler this time around, but I tell you what, giving up alcohol has been a lot harder this pregnancy! I’m counting down the days until I can have a dang glass of red wine. I hope to breastfeed, so I know I’ll have to still be careful, but considering how tired I’ll be I wouldn’t want to overdo it anyway. 

{organizing} Violet’s nursery. I’ve been pretty last-minute with prepping for our little girl’s arrival, so October will be all about getting ready for her. I need to start washing and putting away those (cute, tiny!) clothes, as well as making a final list of things we still need. One thing I just added to the room’s decor are these cute “Yay” vases from the Oh Joy for Target line. 

{dreaming} of getting a full night’s sleep and feeling well-rested. I am not great at surviving on minimal sleep, so I’m dreading those early newborn all-nighters. In theory I should be soaking up the sleep now, but the reality is my always-full bladder, awkwardly bulky belly, and a toddler whose “aminals” keep waking him up at night (don’t get me started) keep that elusive full night’s sleep just out of my reach. As evidenced from this picture snapped at daycare, Jona isn’t having any trouble in the napping department. 

{buying} all the baby stuff. Sorry guys, I pretty much have a one-track mind around here–it’s all baby all the time for the next couple of weeks. I have most of the big stuff (crib, carseat, stroller) left over from Jona, but I’ve been doing a lot of shopping for the remainder of the baby items on my list. I just ordered this adorable backpack diaper bag from Little Unicorn, and thanks to my dad and step-mom I now have a really comfortable rocking chair as well. 

{listening} to so many podcasts. I’ve been having bad luck with audiobooks lately, so instead my ears have been devoted to my podcasts app. Lately I’ve been loving The Girl Next Door, Mom and Dad are Fighting, The Simple Show, and I just started Burnt Toast and look forward to hearing more. 

What has October been like for you so far? 
