
Currently: January

Ahh, January. Aside from the ridiculously cold weather, I love it. Beginnings are the best. Starting a new month is fun, but starting a whole new year? Fantastic. I was talking to Aaron about my excitement over the new year and he doesn’t get it. He doesn’t like New Year’s resolutions, and he doesn’t share my joy in a fresh start. What do you think, do you enjoy starting a new year?

One thing that’s not new is that I’m joining Anne for the monthly currently linkup. Here’s what I’m currently up to so far this 2018.

{starting} fresh. Like I mentioned before, I love a fresh start. Cracking the spine of a new planner, starting a new reading journal, tearing off the first page of my page-a-day calendar… those little things bring me so much joy. I also love starting the year by focusing on a word. See Monday’s post for the word that I chose for 2018.

{hoping} to tackle the paper clutter this year. I set up a “command center” in our entryway to try to get some control over all the paper that had been taking over our counter space (and our lives!!) since we’ve lived in this house. I still have a few things to add but it’s already been put to use.

{scheduling} appointments and reminders in my new planner. I am lost without my planner, or some sort of visual reminder for the things I need to do. In addition to writing down things like dentist and doctor appointments, I added little reminders about this month’s health-related goals so that I’m more likely to follow through.

{reading} Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward. I tried to get in as much reading time as I could during my time off work during the holidays, by taking advantage of free moments and grabbing my book (and a snack). Both this one and Little Fires Everywhere have been on my TBR for quite some time, and both were ready for me at the library right before Christmas. I mentioned on Instagram that Little Fires lived up to all the hype. I’m just about done with Sing, Unburied, Sing, and so far I think that one does as well.

{playing} music, again. I grew up in a music-loving family, and I’ve always really loved music as well. However, since becoming addicted to podcasts my music consumption has gone down significantly, especially since we never had a great way of listening to music at home. Usually we would just pull up Spotify on Aaron’s iPad but the sound quality isn’t all that good. For Christmas though we got an Amazon Echo and we’ve been LOVING playing music on that, and it’s nice to have in the background as the kids play or while we eat dinner. I was on the fence about getting one of those at first but I am a total convert. I love it!

What have you been up to so far in 2018? 
