
2019 Word of the Year, Currently, and Goals

Happy New Year! I always get ridiculously excited for the start of a fresh year. 2018 treated me pretty well, but nothing beats the thrill of starting a brand new calendar, and turning to the first page of my new planner. For the last few years, I’ve chosen a word to focus on for the year. Last year, my word was intention, and I talked a little about that in my 2018 recap post.

This year, I chose the word joy. Sometimes I get so caught up in what I feel I should be doing, that I miss the joy of the present moment. This year I’m going to make an effort to make joy just as much of a priority.

Since it’s the beginning of the month, one thing that always brings me joy is joining Anne for her currently link-up. Here are a few things I’ve been up to so far in this new year. 


{choosing} how to spend my Christmas money. I’ve been thinking about trying an Echo Look, although now that the price went back up (it was on sale for $49!) I’m not so sure. New clothes also top my wishlist, and I found a few must-haves on sale at Gap. (Hi there cute striped sweater dress!)

{tidying} our kid play-spaces. We did the annual toy purge to make space for the influx of Christmas presents, but once again I feel like I’m drowning in toys. One area that is about to make me crazy is the Lego area in Jona’s room. His collection has far outgrown the previous storage solutions we’ve tried, so I am on the hunt for some Lego organization ideas (and plan to check out a few from this pin). I think a trip to Ikea may be in order.

{resolving} to choose joy in 2019. I feel pretty darn happy about my word this year.

{exploring} my 2019 planner. I asked for a Day Designer for Christmas this year, and I love the pretty print Aaron got for me. I had one a few years ago and liked it; I think going back to a daily format will be a good thing. My Happy Planner that I used last year worked okay, but the weekly spread felt a bit cramped.

{refreshing} my closet. My closet is in need of an overhaul, and although it may be slow going, I hope to do some clearing out, organizing, and hole-filling over the next few months. One thing I’ve been missing is a good pair of sneakers, so when Adidas had a sale I picked up this cute and comfy pair.


Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Finally, I can’t start a fresh month in a new year without mentioning my monthly goals. Like last year, I’m choosing a focus for each month, and I hope that the months build on each other and I develop some good habits year-round. This month, my focus is clutter. Here are my clutter-focused goals.

Start reading and working through 365 Daily Do Its. I love a day-by-day book, and this one with its organization focus will hopefully help me stay on track.

Develop a system for incoming paperwork. I thought Jona got a lot of paperwork when he was in preschool, but OH BOY, kindergarten equals papers galore. And artwork. With his paperwork, a few things from Violet, plus mail and what Aaron and I bring home from work… yikes. I need a better system.

Organize our entryway “command center”. In theory this area was going to be our system, but in reality it has become a dumping ground for all kinds of things. Violet’s hair clips, random pens and pencils, you name it.

Get rid of excess clutter in our spare bedroom. This room served as our Christmas storage space, so it has become littered with gift boxes, wrapping supplies, and all kinds of other odds and ends. Unless I want the next person who stays at our house to suffocate under Amazon boxes, I need to get this room in shape.

Whew! That was a long one! I just can’t hold back at the beginning of a new year, so forgive me. I’d love to hear your word of the year if you have one, and all about your goals for the coming month or year. 

Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links. 
