
Goals for February and a January Goal Review

Each month I share my goals as a way to motivate myself to get things done and stay accountable. Here’s this month’s recap and the next month’s set of goals for my home, my blog, and my family or personal life. 

Monthly Goals - February Goals and January Recap | www.shealennon.com

January Goal Recap


1. Take down Christmas decorations. Done. I realize that’s kind of a lame goal, but it did have to get done!

2. Create a place to hang photos and cards in living room. Yes, I did something similar to what I did in our old house, which will be easy to take down when we decide to paint the room (hopefully soon). 

3. Clean out and organize toys. Well, keeping them organized is a never-ending story, but we did manage to clear out many of the toys Jona wasn’t playing with as much. If we’re not careful, toys will take over the house. 


1. Start planning my Instagram posts and trying flatlays for outfit posts. Done. My favorite outfit posts to look at on Instagram are flatlays (Lisa of Respect the Shoes is the best I think!) so I decided to try my hand at them and it’s been so fun. Plus, it helps me plan each week’s outfits in advance, which saves me time in the morning. Win-win!

2. Write my first post for KC Moms Blog. Yes! I started as a contributor on the Kansas City Moms Blog last month, and my first post about picky eating went live on January 30th. 

3. Compile reader survey results and plan posts based on results. While I have read the responses to my reader survey. (Thank you if you took it!) I haven’t yet taken the time to really analyze the results and explore how I can produce more content that aligns with them. 

Fun / Family

1. Visit a local museum with Jona. Yes, we visited the Museum at Prairie Fire, a history museum. I’ll share more in a blog post in a couple of weeks. 

2. Have (at least) 2 date nights. Yes, we had a stay-in cocktails and board games date night, and a double date with my best friend for her birthday. 

3. Start listening to some podcasts. Ha! I’ve quickly gone from wanting to try a podcast other than Serial to spending just about every spare second I have listening to podcasts. I’ve been listening to Happier, The Lively Show, What Should I Read Next, and Read Aloud Revival, to name a few. I’m podcast obsessed!

February Goals


1. Sell old phones, old text books, and other items for extra money. We’re planning on taking a trip to Nashville in June, so I’m going to try to do whatever I can before then to save (or make) money. This is one little thing I can do to make a little extra without much effort. 

2. Begin decorating upstairs living room (paint, hang pictures, replace blinds–depending on budget). On of my big goals for the year is to decorate our house room by room, so I want to get started with the first room you see when you enter our house, the living room. I may not be able to do everything this month, but I want to at least start somewhere. 

3. File paperwork. Our box of “to file” paperwork is really starting to fill up, so Aaron and I need to spend a weekend night having a filing party. Joy. 


1. Perfect my “elevator pitch” to explain my blog to people I meet. When people I know or meet find out I have a blog, they immediately ask what it’s about. I’d like to come up with an “elevator pitch” which will sum up my blog in a way I never really seem to be able to do when I’m on the spot. 

2. Compile reader survey results and plan posts based on results. Since I didn’t get to that last month, I plan to this month. 

3. Grow my Pinterest following and make current and past post more Pin-able. I would love to reach 1,000 Pinterest followers by the end of the month (help me out by following me here!). Pinterest is such a powerful tool for blog growth, so I want to do a better job of utilizing it. 

Fun / Family

1. Donate blood at church blood drive. We’re having a blood drive at my church today and tomorrow. I’ve always been too afraid to give blood, but I really need to get over that fear!

2. Have at least 2 date nights. I’d like to continue last month’s momentum and continue to make spending quality time with Aaron a priority. 

3. Make Valentines for Jona’s friends at daycare

What are your goals for this month? 

Linking to Tuesday Talk and Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me.  Also joining Orange Marigolds for Monthly Motivation
