
Pinterest Inspired: Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream

You probably know by now that I have a slight obsession with ice cream. It’s my desert island food (if my desert island were equipped with a freezer, of course), my comfort treat, and my constant craving. Forget flowers if I’m having a bad day, Aaron knows that an ice cream run will cheer me up like nothing else.

Typically when a craving hits, I seek instant gratification. Either whatever’s in my freezer or Sheridan’s Frozen Custard right down the street will do the trick, thank you. However, sometimes I come across an ice cream recipe that sounds so good that it’s worth waiting on, and this Mexican Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream from Homesick Texan was just that.

The chocolatier the better is my personal ice cream credo, and this one combines chocolate ice cream, brownies, and a bit of spice to keep things interesting. I made the recipe, including the homemade brownies spiced with cinnamon and ancho chile powder. However the brownies were a bit of a disaster. I’m sure it was me, not the recipe (my old stove-top has two temperatures, off and hot, and it went downhill from there), but they turned into little brownie-shaped hockey pucks. So rather than the spicy brownie bits I mixed in chopped up regular store-bought brownies and pecans. The end result was a chocolaty, creamy ice cream with a hint of spice. Yum!

Do you ever make ice cream? What’s your favorite to make (or eat)? 

Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream | www.shealennon.com

Pinterest inspired Mexican chocolate ice cream | www.shealennon.com

Spicy, sweet, and chocolaty: Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream | www.shealennon.com

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